Frequently asked questions on pregnancy

Caleb Ihuarulam

Caleb Ihuarulam

Pregnancy is a transformative journey. Expectant parents have many questions, like people experiencing anything for the first time. From the early signs of conception to navigating the dos and don’ts of the next nine months, the anticipation and curiosity surrounding pregnancy are universal. In this article, we will help you reduce your anxiety by tackling some of the most asked questions about pregnancy. We will provide concise yet informative answers to guide you through this chapter of your life.

How fast can a test detect pregnancy?

The excitement of potential parenthood often leads to the desire for swift confirmation. Home pregnancy tests, readily available, can typically detect pregnancy as early as ten days. However, factors such as the timing of the test and individual hormone levels can influence accuracy.

What are the early signs of pregnancy?

Recognising the early signs is crucial for many expectant parents. Symptoms include missed periods, fatigue, nausea, breast tenderness, and increased urination. While these indicators vary from person to person, their presence often prompts a visit to a healthcare provider for confirmation and guidance. If you have a health plan with Reliance HMO, you can visit Reliance Family Clinics (RFC) in Lagos, Abuja or Port Harcourt. You can also find a facility close to you here.

What foods should we avoid during pregnancy?

Nourishment takes centre stage during pregnancy, and certain precautions are necessary. Avoid foods like raw seafood, unpasteurised dairy, deli meats, and high-mercury fish should be avoided to mitigate potential risks to the developing fetus. A healthy, balanced and nutritious diet is key to a healthy pregnancy. Here are some fruits and vegetables to eat during pregnancy.

Is it safe to exercise?

Maintaining physical well-being is crucial, and moderate exercise is generally safe during pregnancy. However, individual circumstances vary, necessitating consultation with a healthcare provider to determine the exercises that will not put the mother and baby at risk. Exercise contributes to maternal health and can positively impact the baby’s development.

What is gestational diabetes, and how is it managed?

The emergence of gestational diabetes poses unique challenges. Elevated blood sugar levels often characterise gestational diabetes during pregnancy. You can manage this with dietary adjustments, regular exercise, and, in some cases, insulin therapy. Work with your healthcare provider to optimise the management of the disease. You can find more information on gestational diabetes in the link.

What are common discomforts, and how can they be alleviated?

Physical discomforts are commonplace, and understanding how to alleviate them is paramount. Back pain, nausea, and swollen feet are some common examples. Maintaining proper posture, consuming small, frequent meals, and elevating swollen parts of the body can help. Simple yet effective strategies can significantly enhance the comfort of expectant mothers. It is important to avoid self-medication during pregnancy. Some medications can put you and your baby at risk.

Read More: Seven health conditions that can affect pregnancy.

Is it safe to have sex?

Navigating intimacy during pregnancy is a delicate consideration. In most pregnancies, sexual activity is safe and typically helps both partners stay emotionally whole. However, only discuss individual circumstances, concerns, and potential complications openly with a healthcare provider.

What is the importance of prenatal vitamins?

Prenatal vitamins support the health of both mother and baby. Nutrients like folic acid, iron, and calcium are crucial for fetal development. Commencing these supplements before conception and continuing throughout pregnancy ensures a well-rounded nutritional foundation.

Pregnancy is a unique experience for everyone involved.

Pregnancy is a profound and unique chapter in the tapestry of human experiences. Navigating the myriad questions that arise is a shared journey for expectant parents. As questions evolve, the unwavering support of healthcare providers and the shared wisdom of those who have tread this path continue to illuminate the transformative journey.

Reliance HMO offers medical coverage for expectant mothers. If your organisation does not currently provide that coverage, you can send them the link to our website ( to get started.

Read More: HR support for working parents

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Caleb Ihuarulam

Caleb Ihuarulam

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