All You Need To Know About Pre-existing Condition (PEC)

Hesham Fathi

Hesham Fathi

Sometimes, life throws things at us that we never really expect. But we can’t walk away like that; the popular saying “when life gives you a lemon, make lemonade” applies here. We find ourselves battling with some illness that won’t just go away, and we look for reasonable ways to manage it, so we keep living our life. 

This exactly brings me to the conversation on pre-existing conditions. This article will break down each pre-existing condition (PEC) and give reasonable recommendations that will help you manage your health effectively. 

What is a pre-existing condition (PEC)?

This is a medical illness or injury that you have before you start a new health care plan. Conditions like diabetes, arthritis, hypertension, and peptic ulcers may be examples of pre-existing health conditions. They tend to be chronic or long-term.

Why Do You Need A Good Hospital If You Have Pre-existing Conditions? 

If you have a chronic illness, you will need close medical attention and constant medical check-up from your doctor. To make this easier, you will need a hospital that is accessible both physically and virtually. 

Are you considering getting a PEC plan? If yes, Click here. 

With this, it’s advisable to use Reliance Family Clinics. You may be wondering why I decided to spotlight this hospital. This leads me to my next question and answer. 

How Reliance Family Clinics Helps Maintain Your health? 

Reliance Family Clinics has some special offers that will be beneficial to you. If you choose Reliance Family Clinics as your primary healthcare, you have access to the following benefits: 

Home Monitoring Equipment: This will depend on your health condition. You will have access to; blood pressure kits, glucose meter (Diabetes) kits, and many more.

Virtual Visits: You can seek for home-visits or consult a doctor from your home through your preferred means, i.e. phone call, text, or video call.

Prompt Drug prescription and delivery: After you talk to a doctor and you are given a prescription, your drugs will be delivered to a nearby pharmacy.

Stored medical data on your dashboard and app: You can access your medical history and record on your dashboard and mobile app. 

Supportive WhatsApp community: Be part of a community by joining Reliance Family Clinics Whatsapp group. You will learn from people’s health situations and access doctors and nurses answering any of your health-related questions.

If you have a PEC plan and need a primary hospital, don’t hesitate to click here and start your consultation. 

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Hesham Fathi

Hesham Fathi

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