How to Lose Weight Fast

Caleb Ihuarulam

Caleb Ihuarulam

In a world where maintaining a healthy weight gets more challenging, people look for effective ways to lose weight quickly. Weight loss is a common goal for many people, driven by various factors, including health concerns, aesthetic preferences, and overall well-being. 

The desire for rapid results is understandable, but it is essential to approach weight loss by focusing on health and sustainability. Unfortunately, the information available makes it hard to figure out which methods are truly effective and backed by scientific evidence. Since rapid weight loss achieved through unhealthy means can lead to health issues and is unsustainable, this article will provide you with healthier options. 

We will explore practical, science-backed strategies for losing weight quickly while prioritising your health. You will achieve your goals safely and effectively by making dietary and lifestyle changes and including exercise regimens.


Your diet helps you maintain optimal health. Weight loss is the most common reason people attempt to tweak their diet. Some approaches people usually consider are:

Intermittent Fasting

Intermittent fasting is slowly becoming more popular as an effective weight loss strategy. This strategy prioritises when you eat over what you eat. Several studies have shown that intermittent fasting has several health benefits. The most common intermittent fasting methods with scientific evidence include:

Alternate day fasting

On this regimen, you fast every other day and eat whatever you want on the non-fasting days. The most common variation of this diet involves “modified” fasting. This allows you to eat only 25-30% of the amount of energy your body would normally consume during fasting days; which is about 500 calories. Alternate-day fasting can help with weight loss while lowering risk factors for heart disease and type 2 diabetes. While the evidence for this strategy is promising, studies indicate that ADF shouldn’t be used as a general nutrition practice.

16/8 Method

The 16/8 approach entails fasting for 16 hours and eating during an 8-hour interval. For example, you could eat between 12 and 8 p.m. and fast for the rest of the day. This method helps reduce calorie intake and improve metabolic health.

5:2 Diet

The 5:2 diet involves eating regularly five days a week and drastically cutting your calorie intake to 500-600 calories on the other two non-consecutive days.

This method aids weight loss and improves insulin sensitivity.

Low-carb diets: ketogenic and high-protein diets

Low-carb diets, particularly ketogenic and high-protein diets, have been proven effective in helping you lose weight fast. 

A ketogenic or “keto” diet is rich in fat, contains medium amounts of protein, and is low in carbohydrates. As carbohydrates are reduced and fat intake increases, the body enters a metabolic state known as ketosis. Your body converts lipids into ketones – chemicals that provide energy for the brain. Within a few days or weeks on this diet, your body and brain will be used to burning fat and ketones for fuel instead of carbohydrates. A keto diet will increase protein intake, which benefits weight loss. 

Proteins are made up of special chemicals called amino acids that you can not make in your body. These amino acids are used in essential body processes like peptide-hormone production. Peptide hormones regulate growth, energy metabolism, appetite, and stress. Eating enough protein in your meals would help regulate hormones responsible for hunger and appetite. 

These diets increase feelings of fullness while reducing overall calorie intake. They also aid in maintaining muscle mass when losing weight. 

Add 15-30 grams of protein to your meals. Consider lean protein sources like chicken, turkey, fish, lean beef, and eggs. You can also consider plant-based options like legumes and tofu. 


As mentioned in previous articles, regular physical activity helps you lose weight. HIIT and strength training exercises, in particular, can help you hit those goals faster. 

High-Intensity Interval Training (HIIT)

HIIT has gained recognition as an efficient way to burn calories and improve cardiovascular health. HIIT can lead to significant fat loss in shorter periods than steady-state cardio. It also improves insulin sensitivity and cardiovascular fitness.

Switch between 30 seconds of high-intensity exercises like sprinting and burpees and 30 seconds of rest for 15-20 minutes. Then, gradually increase the duration and intensity as your fitness improves.

Strength Training

If you want to manage your weight over time consistently, add strength training exercises to your routine. Strength exercise helps you gain muscle and raises your resting metabolic rate. This means your body burns more calories even when at rest.

So, start with compound exercises that work for multiple muscle groups. These include squats, deadlifts, push-ups, and rows. Do your best to engage in 2-3 strength training sessions every week.

Lifestyle Modifications 

Apart from exercise and a balanced diet, there are other ways to lose weight. If you fix specific lifestyle patterns, you can regulate weight gain and shed off excess weight you may be putting on. 


Sleep is often overlooked. What you may not know is that it helps regulate the hormones that affect appetite and metabolism. Aim for 7-9 hours of quality sleep every night. To establish a consistent sleep schedule, create a bedtime routine that helps you relax will improve sleep quality.

Avoid stress 

Stress increases cortisol and adrenaline levels. Increased cortisol levels increase your appetite, making you more likely to eat. This leads to weight gain and makes it harder to lose weight. Meditation, walks in nature, and yoga are stress-reduction practices you can include in your routine.

 These practices can help manage cortisol levels, which supports weight loss efforts.

Drink lots of water 

Staying hydrated generally improves your overall health. Drinking water before meals can help you lose weight by limiting calorie intake. Replace your intake of sugary beverages and sodas with water or green tea. Take at least eight glasses of water daily. You can adjust this based on your activity level and weather conditions.

Drink green tea 

Green tea extract contains compounds called polyphenols. These compounds include antioxidants that can boost metabolism and increase insulin sensitivity. Combining with a healthy diet and exercise may also boost weight loss.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) On How to Lose Weight Fast 

Is rapid weight loss safe?

Losing weight fast can be unhealthy. Losing weight too quickly—more than 1-2 pounds per week—may lead to muscle loss or be a sign of nutritional deficiencies and other health issues. It is best to consider a healthy, science-backed approach. Speak to your primary healthcare professional before starting any new weight loss regimen.

How much weight can I lose in a month?

You should aim to lose 1-2 pounds weekly and 4-8 pounds monthly. However, this varies based on your diet, exercise routine, and individual metabolism.

Can I lose weight without exercise?

While it is possible to lose weight while eating a healthy diet, exercise offers numerous benefits. Exercise helps burn calories, preserves muscle mass, and supports long-term weight maintenance. For the best results, combine a healthy diet with regular physical activity.

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Caleb Ihuarulam

Caleb Ihuarulam

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